Green Party of Vancouver announces opening of 2022 election nomination process
VANCOUVER, BC - The Green Party of Vancouver is excited to announce the launch of its first 2022 candidate application period for anyone seeking to be elected in Vancouver as part of the Green Party team.
In the 2018 election the people of Vancouver elected the largest Green Party caucus in Canadian history, with seven of the nine Greens elected at the top of the polls. With representation on all three municipal levels, elected Vancouver Greens have been working tirelessly over the last three and a half years to put public interest first and honour the trust that the people of Vancouver have put in them. Greens currently hold the positions of Chair of Council’s Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities, Chair of the Board of Parks & Recreation, and Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Education.
“We are looking forward to bringing together a strong team of Green candidates for the 2022 election,” says Nick Poppell, Chairperson of the Board. “With the deep experience of our current elected team, and some exciting new folks interested in putting their names forward, we are confident our members will nominate a larger slate of exceptional candidates the people of Vancouver can trust to provide the kind of collaborative leadership needed to tackle the most challenging issues of our times, particularly the climate and housing emergencies.”
Candidates will be nominated at separate nomination meetings for Council and the School and Park Board contests. The Council application period will open today, January 3rd, and the party will hold a nomination meeting on April 2nd. The Park and School Board application period will open April 4th, with a nomination meeting on May 28th.
Voting for both races will be conducted primarily online. The Party intends to host in-person nomination events if public health guidelines allow.
The determination of how many candidates the Green Party of Vancouver will run for each level, and whether the party will run a mayoral candidate, will be made following the close of the related candidate application periods.