The Green Party of Vancouver is a municipal political party with elected representatives on Vancouver City Council, School Board, and Park Board. Founded in 1984, the party is guided by the four pillars of the global Green movement: environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice, and grassroots democracy. Vancouver Greens work with Green parties and like-minded organizations across British Columbia and Canada on progressive social, economic, and environmental policy while maintaining independent operations.
Roslyn Cassells was the first Vancouver Green candidate elected, joining the Park Board in 1999. Adriane Carr became the first Green city councillor in 2011. In every election since 2014, the Green Party of Vancouver has maintained representation on all three city boards. Like all Greens, we oppose block, partisan voting and will work in good faith with officials from other parties in the interests of Vancouverites.
In recent years we have delivered a city-wide affordable housing plan, ecosystem revival, a renter's office, more cycling options and slow street pilots, support for small businesses, and real climate action. On the School Board, Greens have developed the Food Framework for the VSB and increased childcare spaces. Due to Green actions, Park Board has seen the approval of a risk and mitigation study for Stanley Park and demands to retain its bike lanes.
There is still lots more work to do. The Vancouver Greens know that people are served best when elected officials work cooperatively to bring forth proven solutions that will make a difference in our day-to-day lives.
Our guiding priorities:
Environment: Tackling climate change while preserving Vancouver's unique urban livability and green spaces.
Equity: Striving for social justice, accessible services, and affordable housing options for all Vancouverites.
Resilience: Promoting climate adaptation, protecting our seawall and natural heritage, and ensuring economic and food security.
Good governance: Maintaining transparency, collaboration, and people-powered decision-making.
None of this happens without your support. Join, volunteer, or donate today, or reach out to our caucus or board to start a conversation. We need a plan for complete, connected communities that will enable our residents to live healthy, fulfilling lives.