Youth Membership
Now, more than ever, Vancouver needs young people's voices to help shape our future.
That's why we've made membership in the Green Party of Vancouver free for youth between the ages of 14 and 25. If that's you, we invite you to sign up to become a full member of the Green Party of Vancouver.
Active members are what make our party strong and true. As a member, you can vote at annual and special general meetings, help out at events, and serve on committees. You can even run for the Board! And when election time comes, you will have a hand in deciding which candidates will run under the Green Party of Vancouver banner.
Note: By signing up for membership in the Green Party of Vancouver, you are declaring that you reside in Vancouver or Electoral Area A (UBC), are not a member of another civic political party in Vancouver, and agree to abide by the Green Party of Vancouver Constitution & Bylaws and our Code of Conduct.