Core Principles of the Green Party of Vancouver

All of our elected Greens have one thing in common: they are appreciated by Vancouverites who value the principled leadership and strong democratic principles they bring to their elected bodies. Greens believe that engaging residents, evidence-based decision-making, and big picture thinking must guide the continued growth and livability of our city.

The Green Party of Vancouver is committed to six core Global Green principles:

Participatory Democracy
Working to engage all citizens in Vancouver in the decisions that affect their communities and their lives.

Ensuring we responsibly manage our resources and community development for future generations.

Social Justice
Acknowledging that everyone has a fundamental right to health, well-being, and inclusion.

Respect for Diversity
Celebrating and protecting the diversity of Vancouver and its people.

Ecological Wisdom
Learning to live within the physical and ecological limits of our planet and to protect nature. 

Safeguarding people’s security and freedom through cooperation and consensus building.